The ACTRA Montreal Ombudsperson is an ACTRA Full member in good standing appointed by the ACTRA Montreal Council.  The Ombudsperson will act as an impartial investigator of ACTRA Montreal members’ complaints arising from the administration of policy at ACTRA Montreal.  The Ombudsperson reports to the ACTRA Montreal Branch Council.   In her/his role, the Ombudsperson will act fairly, maintain a neutral, unbiased perspective, will conduct investigations consistent with the principles of natural justice; and shall seek:

  • To ensure a thorough understanding by all Parties of all applicable Membership rules and Union Policies;
  • To ensure a thorough airing investigation of the Member’s complaint, including any extenuating circumstances, from the perspective of all Parties to the complaint;
  • To maintain and safeguard the confidentiality of all Parties to the greatest extent possible.

In her/his role, the Ombudsperson has no power to make binding orders, adjudicate or enforce judgements. The Ombudsperson cannot consider complaints about matters before the discipline committee.

The Ombudsperson shall receive an honorarium payment covering ACTRA minimum annual dues.  The Ombudsperson’s term is effective concurrently with the term of the Branch Council.

Procedurally, upon receipt of a complaint from a member, the Ombudsperson shall:

  • Assess the information provided to determine if the complaint falls within the parameters of the Ombudsperson’s mandate,
  • If the assessment determines the complaint should be investigated, advise the member of the launch of the investigation,
  • Investigate the position of the member (complainant), ACTRA Montreal, and any other parties that may be named in the member’s complaint,
  • Once the investigation is complete, the Ombudsperson shall provide a report of her/his finding(s) to the Branch President and the Regional Executive Director (or her/his designate) who shall determine what action if any is required to remedy the complaint. Following such determination, the Ombudsperson will report on the disposition of the complaint to the complainant, and the Branch Council.

Branch Ombudsperson
Bruce Dinsmore