The Professional Development Committee oversees the allocation of external funding for ACTRA Montreal Professional Development tools and reports on such initiatives to the Montreal Branch Council. Professional Development initiatives shall further the goals and objectives of ACTRA, its Constitution, By laws and strategic plan. Initiatives shall promote:

  • Awareness and understanding of ACTRA, its policies, objectives, and results;
  • Awareness and understanding of ACTRA Member services;
  • Community building among the ACTRA Membership.

On behalf of Branch Council, the Committee shall:

  • Approve any and all applications for funding from outside agencies (ie. Emploi Quebec, L’INIS) as related to the professional development of ACTRA Montreal members;
  • Be comprised of members from the ACTRA Montreal Branch Council;
  • Select, from among its membership, a Committee Chair. Said Chair:
    • Shall not bring forward any workshop proposals for consideration;
    • Will remain objective and impartial throughout the process of approving workshop applications;
    • Shall only vote on decisions in the case of a tiebreaker.
  • Work constructively with ACTRA Montreal Committees to approve applications for workshops that:
    • Develop skills valued by the Montreal film, television, and videogame industry;
    • Develop skills valued by the ACTRA Montreal membership;
    • Increase the employability of ACTRA Montreal members;
    • Are otherwise unavailable or cost prohibitive in the private sector;
    • May, in the case of certain funding agencies (ie. Emploi Quebec), meet specific requirements.
  • Value the quality of workshops offered over the quantity;
  • If required, identify an industry need for a workshop and communicate said need to an ACTRA Montreal Committee;
  • Seek cost-effective strategies, and identify and report on any material budgetary implications associated with professional development activities;
  • Work constructively with the ACTRA Montreal Public Relations Officer and other staff resources as assigned.

Approved by ACTRA Montreal Council June 19, 2012. Revised: January 16, 2018. Revised: January 14, 2020.