The Communications Committee identifies, recommends, assists in coordinating, and monitors ACTRA Montreal Communications and reports on such initiatives to the Montreal Branch Council. Communications initiatives shall further the goals and objectives of ACTRA, its Constitution, By-laws and strategic plan. Initiatives shall promote:

  • Awareness and understanding of ACTRA, its policies, objectives, and results;
  • Awareness and understanding of ACTRA Member services;
  • Community building among the ACTRA Membership;
  • Transparency and accountability in ACTRA operations.

On behalf of the Branch Council, the Committee shall:

  1. Have as its Chair the Branch Council President;
  2. Be composed of liaisons from Montreal Council Committees, up to a maximum of 5 members;
  3. Solicit additional Committee participation from ACTRA Montreal members-at-large for specific initiatives;
  4. Establish a cross-platform, communications timetable (coordinated with ACTRA National), emphasizing E-communications wherever possible;
  5. Seek cost-effective strategies, and identify and report on any material budgetary implications associated with communications activities;
  6. Draft, and update as required, an editorial policy for ACTRA Montreal communications;
  7. Ensure consistent messaging (including tone, style, and perspective);
  8. Provide editorial support, and contribute content across all media;
  9. Assist in the ongoing refinement of the ACTRA Montreal website;
  10. Oversee the implementation of the local Social Media strategy;
  11. Strive to provide environmentally responsible communications options;
  12. Support other committees of ACTRA Montreal in the development and implementation of community-building initiatives;
  13. Work constructively with the ACTRA Montreal Public Relations Officer/Coordinator and other staff resources as assigned.

Approved by ACTRA Montreal Council June 19, 2012. Revised: January 16, 2018.