The ACTRA Montreal By-laws Committee is an ad – hoc committee whose members are appointed by the Montreal Branch Council. The Committee reviews the ACTRA Montreal By-laws, recommends appropriate amendments to the By-laws and reports to the Montreal Branch Council. The ACTRA Montreal By-laws Committee’s efforts shall further the goals and objectives of ACTRA, its Constitution, By-laws and strategic plan. Initiatives shall promote:

  • Awareness and understanding of ACTRA, its policies, objectives, and results;
  • Awareness and understanding of ACTRA Member services;
  • Community building among the young members of ACTRA Montreal Membership.

On behalf of Branch Council, the Committee shall:

  • Have as its Chair the Montreal Branch Council President;
  • Have no less than three (3) members of the Branch Council;
  • Review the current ACTRA Montreal By-laws;
  • If necessary, propose amendments to the By-laws that are consistent with ACTRA Montreal’s overall mission and purpose;
  • If necessary, propose amendments to the By-laws that are consistent with ACTRA National’s overall mission and purpose.

Approved by ACTRA Montreal Branch Council: January 14, 2020.